BRDAA | Blairgowrie Fishing

BRDAA | Ericht Fishing

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Fishing advice


Depending on the month of the season you fish, the river will determine the tackle you need. All stretches of the Ericht, controlled by the BRDAA can be fished (with minor exceptions ) using fly fishing tackle.  Generally a 13-15 foot fly rod can be used throughout the season with smaller rods being used for grilse and sea-trout during the summer. As with rods, the time of year will determine the type of fly line but a selection from floating line, intermediate or sink tip and a medium sinker should cover all conditions. Safety is important. A good wading staff, eye protection and studded felt soled waders are essential. An automatic life jacket should also be considered. All the usual fly patterns can be tried but for early season a large black and yellow, or a large yellow fly with a silver body fished deep can be best. The Ally’s shrimp family are popular in all their variations. In summer a stoat’s tail or red twist will also do well. When the water temperature rises above 45F, a Haslam or Invicta are still worth a try. The size of fly will vary depending on the height and temperature of the water encountered.


Spinning for salmon is restricted to the BRDAA water below the Blairgowrie bridge. A general spinning rod of 9½ to 11 feet will suffice. . The Devon Minnow in various colours is effective, along with Tobys and flying C’s. If using multi hook spinning rigs e.g. the Rapala, remove the front & centre hooks to avoid foul hooking or damaging fish which may need to be released.

Sea – trout

A rod in the 9’6” – 10’6” range for a 7 weight line will suffice. As with salmon a floating line with sink tip or intermediate will cover most situations. Although sea trout can be caught in the Ericht, the event can sometimes be missed. Please send details of any sea trout caught in the BRDAA waters to the Association here.

Trout and Grayling

Brown trout and grayling thrive in the Ericht’s pure waters. Some stocking by the BRDAA takes place, adding to the stock of wild brownies. The average weight is three quarters to one pound. The occasional larger fish to three pounds can be taken. Fly rods from 7’6” – 9’6” are best with line weights 5 – 7, depending on conditions. A floater with sink tip or intermediate will cover most conditions.

The biggest trout recorded, at 7lb 12oz, was caught on a size 14 dry Ginger Quill by W. Turner on the 30th of April 1994, just above Blairgowrie bridge ! (A cast of the actual fish can be seen in Kate Fleming's shop in Blairgowrie!)



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